Older pictures

Andrew's a badass dude and used to have this rad s-chassis.  I miss riding around in this thing during summers at home in the mountains. It was loud, low, and obnoxious as hell. But what was really cool about it was that it just had such a period correct feel.  If you roamed the streets in mid-90's japan, this is the kind of shit you'd see at little hole-in-the-wall tuner shops! I might add that it is birthday today, so happy birthday bud!

More from the Showclass Chopper Show!

Monte's bike, another awesome build I saw at the show in Winston Salem. 

Panheads Forever

Centennial Trading Co. in Winston Salem last weekend hosted a motorcycle show.  I'll have more photos up soon but I wanted to do a little "feature" on the Panhead that was at the show. This thing looked like it was uncovered in in some old barn, a relic left over from the late 60's, and is exactly what I like in a motorcycle.  It had all the right touches, and the highlight was hearing it roar to life after having multiple people try and kick start it. It was finally pushed up to the top of the hill in front of the shop and rolled, coughing and sputtering the whole way down, until someone sprinted out into the road to give him one last push which started the bike up. Fuck yeah!